Vintage -- #11

Here’s another of my DIY covers, to entertain you. Yes, we drank all that wine.

It took me six months to write VINTAGE.  Very on-and-off with the writing, thanks to job stuff mostly. My average composition time is < 3 weeks, so I really was starting to wonder about this one.

It changed a lot during the recent series rewrite. Or not really changed, but … evolved. Just like my hero James Levine.

VINTAGE is the story of a young lawyer (James) who is at a career crossroads; an independent wine consultant (Silvia Moreno); and their second chance at love. It’s about how two people who really loved each other, but just weren’t ready for each other, decide to put “what went wrong” in a box labeled The Past, and focus on what’s going right.

James was first introduced as the best friend of Danny Zhang, hero of now-unpublished novella ‘Speed Date.’ He and Silvia also appear in A FEW KISSES AGO, a novel tying the law-firm milieu of some of the stories to the showbiz milieu of others. Silvia’s BFF Luis Ramirez is one of the heroes of my new novella OVERBOARD. You can see why I need a chart to keep all my people, places, and things in order.

The Challenge of Novellas

On Writing What You Know