the thirtieth novella

I am trying to get my head around that! Back in 2012 when I published my first novella (before I knew I was writing a series), I would never have thought that in less than eight years I would have written twenty-nine more of these.

To say nothing of the novels.

No really, I’m saying nothing about the novels, I already did that post. (Oh wait: except I do have to mention that the novelization of novella #5, BEAT, has now been completed and published. That makes ten novels I’ve published so far, of which seven are in print.)

Novella #27 is A SECRET CHORD, and I will do a launch post for that as soon as the ebook is live on Amazon, which should be within the next two days. This is the Menage Story, so I am both excited and terrified about it. This is also the springboard for the next full-length novel in the queue for publication. You’ll be hearing more about that soon.

There was a bit of a delay in finishing novella #28; it took a little more than two months altogether, because of the novelizations of EXPOSURE and BEAT and the NaNoWriMo project TAKE EVERYTHING (yes, that’s done too) which were happening during the same period of time. Novella #29 was written in thirteen days. Novella #30 was written in a little over four days. And that was actually completed before I even started #28; the numbering reflects the order of proposed publication, not the order of composition. I have found that is the best way to keep track of them.

#30 may get pushed further down the queue if I find myself writing something else between now and then, ‘then’ being approximately May 2020. Why wait till then to publish? Because the action in #30 doesn’t wind up till May 2020 and while I have no issue writing into the future (uh, obviously) I do think it would be confusing to publish something set in the future. This is romance, not science fiction. Things may happen between now and then (in the real world and in my story universe) that precipitate change in the upcoming novellas.

Anyway, #27 is complete and published. The next thing I’ll publish is - I think - the last thing I’ll publish in 2019. It will be the menage novel A BRAID OF LOVE. So the three completed novellas will all be published in 2020.

And the “official” number of novellas in print (or rather, in e-book) as of the end of 2019 is 25, because of course two of those first 27 novellas have been turned into novels. Jerseys #5 and #14 have been retired. I am NOT going to renumber the whole list. That is crazy talk.

In other ‘crazy talk’ I look at my list of management tasks and realize that the ten ISBN numbers I purchased for paperbacks will be used up by March. That’ll be ten novels published in paperback since February 2019. Oh %@#&!, I promised I wasn’t going to talk about novels, forget I said that.

Returning to the novellas, briefly (I promise). Each of the early novellas has been comprehensively rewritten, as I’ve mentioned before. I have done my level best to keep the timeline clean, if not the language. (Ha!) And that has been a TASK given the pace of writing. I now leave this rambling if not nonsensical post to draft the launch posts for the two things published this weekend, and then to clean up the timeline chart. Go buy a book, please! Thank you!

A Secret Chord: a new novella

needs more pirates