a free read for spring

It is a truth maybe not acknowledged that when a writer goes from self-publishing to traditional publishing, things get a little more structured. Or, like, a lot more. I’ve always had to compose blurbs, pick out cover images, etc; now I have to do that sort of thing and deliver it when my publisher wants it. Plus if there are edits to do, I have an actual deadline. Add that to the notion of writing to a deadline - as in, to make a submission window - and all of a sudden my writing time has not been, as it has for the past 12+ years, entirely my own.

All that whining aside, I’ve still been writing a lot and it’s time to do some of it HERE, wouldn’t you say? I will start with something easy: sharing a thing that’s already written.

Earlier this year I ran a promotion at Rainbow Romance Reads, in which I briefly discussed two of my titles that are more tightly linked than most. Along with that went an exclusive short story. The promotion now being squarely in the rear-view mirror, I can share the short story here!

Accordingly, click below for a FREE READ. Hope you enjoy it.

In Tune: a new story

the dragon eater by j. scott coatsworth