the core of the problem

Here’s another direct quote from Project 2025: “Under President Trump, HHS was dedicated to serving ‘all Americans from conception to natural death’ … (p. 449).”

Despite DJT’s late-campaign claims that he wasn’t after a national abortion ban, Project 2025 pushes it hard, and it’s clearly a major policy effort across the political landscape. Conservatives now having all three branches of the federal government in hand, the need to secure and retain bodily autonomy for people with uteruses has become even more urgent.

Click on highlighted text for linked pages about these issues.

Those who shy away from discussing abortion because they don’t like the idea of it (and it’s not a nice idea. Nobody wants to get an abortion. Nobody wants to get a kidney transplant or a cancer surgery either, but those medical procedures should still be safe and legal) should consider the other reproductive rights that are being undermined on the same religious grounds: in-vitro fertilization (IVF) – Alabama tried to ban it; use of intrauterine devices (IUDs) – Indiana and Oklahoma tried to ban them.

It was not so long ago that an adult woman couldn’t obtain any kind of contraception without her husband’s consent. When you look at the trends on the far right, can you seriously think this isn’t their ultimate goal? The Handmaid’s Tale is dystopian fiction: it shouldn’t be the future of the US.

And what about “natural death”? Translation: a patient with a terminal diagnosis shouldn’t have any legal option for choosing death with dignity. Instead, that patient should be forced to undergo whatever invasive, intrusive, and/or unwanted measures their family or physician wants.

The bulk of the average person’s lifetime medical expenses occur in the last years of their lives. Families are bankrupted, relationships damaged, and suffering prolonged when people don’t have the right to die. Most people won’t choose to die earlier than they must. But some people want to, and we shouldn’t call them (or the people who help them) criminals.

“As part of his 2024 presidential campaign, Donald Trump has stated that if elected, he will sign an executive order instructing every federal agency to cease the promotion of sex or gender transition at any age as well as ask Congress to pass a bill stating that the United States will only recognize two genders as determined at birth, and has promised to crackdown on gender-affirming care for all ages. Additionally, Trump stated that he would make hospitals and health care providers that provide transitional hormones or surgery no longer qualify for federal funding, including Medicare and Medicaid funding. Trump has also stated he will push to prohibit hormonal and surgical intervention for minors in all 50 states.” - Wikipedia

Only ten states currently have no pending anti-LGBTQ+ legislation. A quick survey of the state-by-state proposed measures finds many that are explicitly religious in origin.

Our Constitution prohibits an establishment of religion. That means we’re not supposed to base laws on a specific interpretation of a specific bible.

When you make laws based on a specific religion, you are infringing the religious liberty of everyone else who doesn’t subscribe to that exact same religion. There are over 200 Christian denominations in the US (how many different versions of the Christian bible do they use?), never mind all the other religions, never mind the 30% of Americans who don’t identify with any religion.

Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, unalienable rights according to our Declaration of Independence, are defined person by person, not in a single religion’s bible in the hands of a few historically-privileged people.

The incoming administration is making various claims about enhancing Americans’ liberty by stripping federal regulations and delegating various functions to the states. At the same time, they’re pursuing an evangelical Christian agenda that is devoted to reducing Americans’ liberty by pervasive interference in gender-based issues.

They claim that liberals and progressives have polluted the government with “identity politics” embodied by the precepts of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) which call for equal treatment of all people under the law. At the same time, they are engaging in blatant identity politics of their own which call for privileging straight, white, and nominally Christian people over all those who don’t fit those descriptions.

You may say your platform is color-blind, but if you are welcoming Nazis, the KKK, and flag-waving Confederate apologists to your rallies, you are not color-blind.

They claim that vaccine mandates which protect the entire population are an infringement of personal liberty, but are trying to prevent certain classes of people from accessing certain types of elective healthcare which affect no one but a specific patient.

Anytime you target a specific class of people, you are committing discrimination.

Discrimination is the opposite of Liberty and Justice for All.

If a person can’t be forced to donate blood (and they can’t), a person shouldn’t be forced to suffer through an untimely, untenable, or unwanted pregnancy and birth, or to live in a body that doesn’t match their identity.

a close reading, part 16

a close reading, part 15