Never Enough: a new novel

This is one of the novels I wrote last summer while I was unemployed. It had to wait till now for publication because of Reasons (discussed previously). It is a romance, about a married couple who are going through changes. Click the image below for product link!

NEVER ENOUGH is about my characters Victor Garcia and Andy Martin. It’s my third novel specifically about these two (they now have their own series: CO-STARS. Somewhere along the line, Andy became a foundational character for the series. I can even tell you when (while I was writing STRIPPED).

But first, let’s look at Victor. He was introduced in my first novel set in L.A., MILLION DOLLAR DEATH, along with a lot of other characters who now populate my story universe. Victor is an actor who can sing and dance. He’s in the process of discovering other talents. When he and Andy meet - during rehearsals for the play at the center of MILLION DOLLAR DEATH - Victor is 35, and he’s not out. He’s got a regular job playing a cop on a TV show, and a family back home in Puerto Vallarta, none of whom know he’s gay. Victor not being out is what sets up the initial conflict in EXPOSURE, the first book about Andy and Victor.

When I wrote EXPOSURE, it was a novella. It’s been rewritten (a couple of times) since summer 2018 and is now a full-length novel. EXPOSURE wasn’t where I first conceived of Andy, but it’s where his character came to life. Initially he was simply Victor’s love interest. Ha! The little bit of back story I gave him then has expanded like a pavlova made with balsamic vinegar (ask me how I know this).

Anyway, Andy is 45 when he and Victor meet. A ten-year age gap is significant, especially because Andy’s been out all his life. By the time they are making a movie together (THE GHOST OF CARLOS GARDEL), they are both almost finished dealing with the age gap. Or so they think.

That’s part of the conflict underlying NEVER ENOUGH. Or, in a way, all of it. Because Andy has a lot of history, and Victor doesn’t always deal with it well.

Victor doesn’t play a significant part in any of novellas except A SECRET CHORD. Andy, on the other hand, is significant in quite a few of them. Andy and Victor also appear together in HERE TO STAY. I really love both of them, which would explain why I’ve already written a fourth novel about them (look for it in 2021).

NEVER ENOUGH is an age-gap M/M Hollywood romance novel. Content alerts: sex on the page, death of a parent, PTSD. Click the photo for product link!

layers upon layers

the future in the present