Unmasked: a new novel

Drumroll, please! Announcing the release of the fourth book in the CO-STARS series, which like the others can be read as a stand-alone. Click the image below for product link!

Cover photo by Christian Buehner unsplash.com

Three key things about UNMASKED:

  1. It’s set in the real world of 2020. Nothing terrible happens to any of the characters, but (as in the real world) all of them are touched by the pandemic. That’s a hard nope for some people, so I want to be up front about it.

  2. It’s about two middle-aged men who work in entertainment and are married. To each other.

  3. It’s really about how people can and do evolve when they’re given a safe place to grow.

I may never stop writing about Andy Martin and Victor Garcia. Writing any given romance novel (or novella, or short story) has meant me falling in love with my characters. I don’t see how it’s possible to write a truly engaging love story if you’re not completely convinced your protagonists are lovable. But these two obviously grabbed hold of something deeper, because I just cannot leave them alone.

Victor was introduced in the early novel MILLION DOLLAR DEATH but came to life when I decided to write Andy’s story (originally a novella) in EXPOSURE.

It seems inconceivable to me now that Andy first appeared as a mere side character! He was only the photographer! Well, just goes to show. He was always the kind of guy who makes friends easily but doesn’t get close to many people. Figuring out his history has been a process.

There are three ongoing points of friction between Victor and Andy, which could be considered tropes (i.e. plot drivers): an age gap - Victor is ten years younger; a celebrity gap - Victor is much more famous; an experience gap - Victor was tightly closeted until he was 36. These three points underlie the relationship conflict throughout the series. The men approach their issues in different ways, from different angles, as their relationship and their careers change.

This book was mostly written by fall of 2020 but I let it sit a long time so that real life could catch up. Then I re-wrote it, because the world had changed, and my characters changed with it. Now it’s ready for you. Here’s to staying together.

taking another crack at Swan Lake

a little appetizer