state of the backlist

Hello again, 2024!

We are a month in, and so far I have read over 30 books, written & contracted a short story, contracted two novellas, and done a read-through polish on the completed novel I’ll submit next. I’ve also made a plan (and a good writing start) for the next novel. It was a busy January!

Last summer, I mentioned that my big 2023 project (aside from cementing my relationship with publisher JMS Books) was the wide launch of my self-published backlist. And …

It’s done!!

With a few exceptions. Namely, the volumes of collected novellas - they remain AMZ only at this time. And my queer Edwardian novel in three acts, SEXTETTE, is still AMZ only at this time. Why? In that case, it’s a metadata thing - I’ve done my wide launch through Draft2Digital using author name A.Y. Caluen (as it appears on the redesigned self-published titles) and the cover art I commissioned for Sextette won’t fly there. Thus I need to do (or rather I need to petition my primary designer for) a new cover, so that’s on this year’s to-do list.

I’ve also unpublished a few things which will find their way to Prolific Works and thence to the Free Reads page in due course.

But generally speaking, anything else you find on the Novels, Novellas, or Shorts pages here may now be found at Kobo, Barnes & Noble, Apple, Smashwords, and a slew of other e-reading retailers. Links to my ‘store’ on the major sites may be found on the home page of this site.

I’ll be spot-checking the breakout pages to ensure a Books2Read link is in place for everything - if you happen to come across a title with incomplete or broken links, please drop me a line!

And as always, happy reading.

kind words

getting the words out