Instead of a constitutional amendment that would allow a certain person to run for the office of presidency a third time (yes, they’ve brought that into Congress), how about any or all of these?
No branch of the Federal government of the United States of America shall make or uphold any law which denies to any citizen the civil, legal, medical, electoral, or other rights granted and expanded over the course of all presidencies, from George Washington through Joseph Biden.
All citizens, irrespective of ethnicity, national origin, skin color, religion, gender, or other individual trait, are equal under the law.
A citizen is here defined as an individual human being, over the age of eighteen, born in the United States of America or its territories, or an individual human being, over the age of eighteen, born outside the United States of America who is a permanent resident of the United States of America, has passed the citizenship exam, and has legally registered to vote.
No citizen shall be denied the right to vote or be impeded in the exercise of their right to vote. A citizen shall not lose their right to vote for any cause except a conviction of serial rape, serial murder, mass murder, terrorist acts, or treason.
No citizen shall be denied the right to seek and secure medical attention or medical procedures for any cause, nor shall any citizen be required to disclose their medical information to any government official. A citizen may authorize medical attention or medical procedures for their minor child without interference by any government official.
No citizen shall be denied the right to contract a legal marriage with another citizen or legal resident of the United States of America. Legal marriage is here defined as a contract for permanent domestic partnership between two individual human beings, each of whom must be free of any such contract with another human being, to be honored by all States.
No citizen shall be denied the right to move freely, for any purpose, between States within the United States of America. All citizens shall be free to change their residence or their place of work without interference by any government official.
and in support of our existing First Amendment:
No citizen shall be denied the right to exercise their religion, within the framework of a secular society. However, religious rites or practices that are contrary to civil law, such as slavery, child marriage, plural marriage, or animal sacrifice, are not protected from prosecution.
No religious rite or practice may infringe upon the right of other citizens to live in peace, privacy, and security; to practice their own religion; or to practice no religion.
No religious document, rite, or practice shall be promoted as equivalent to civil law by any government official, structure, or statement.
No religious test may be imposed for service or employment at any level of government.
No religious test may be imposed by providers of financial, legal, education, or health services.
No public employee may, based on their own religious beliefs, deny services to another citizen.
No citizen may, based on their own religious beliefs, compel the private behavior of other persons.