Star of Wonder: a holiday novelette

This particular little project was created last year. At the time, I didn’t have the bandwidth to try to publish it. However, things have calmed down (or eased up) and now it’s ready for the big wide world! STAR OF WONDER will launch November 24 - click the image below for product link.

Three key things about STAR OF WONDER:

  1. It’s an 11,000-word self-contained story featuring Patrice Diaz, a trans woman, and Noel Arkady, a bisexual man.

  2. Patrice plays a part in my recent novel INTO YOU. You don’t need to read this thing or that thing in order to enjoy either thing, but if you like Patrice in this I think you’ll like the novel.

  3. It’s my self-indulgent take on the holiday romance. Last year I read dozens of them and thought: why not try that.

This particular publication also contains a bonus short story featuring Gino and Sergei from HERE TO STAY. Everything stands alone, but if you like STAR OF WONDER you might like that other thing!

Oh, and that cover image? That’s actually one of my own photographs, taken years ago in Beverly Hills. This story is set in Las Vegas, but hey - it’s an L.A. story anyway.

buckle up

when do I stop reading?