Reinvented: a new novelette

What is a novelette, you ask? It’s a piece of fiction that, in length, falls between a short story (commonly under 10K words) and a novella (20K words and up). Thus, this story, which is 11000 words and change.

REINVENTED was written in response to a story idea thrown my way by a friend of a friend (hi Bruce!). I love what my publisher did for the cover, and I loved writing this story. Click the highlighted title to reach the book page at Queeromance Ink, where you’ll find retailer links and an excerpt.

Three key things about REINVENTED;

  1. It’s a co-workers to lovers M/M contemporary romance in which both main characters are around 50 years old and single parents;

  2. It fits right in my groove of loss & reinvention: main character Martin has downsized himself from patent agent to paralegal in order to free up time in his life for his new parenting duties;

  3. I had fun nerding out about the job that I actually do in real life (patent filer, a.k.a. paralegal).

While I’m still working on several novel-length projects, I love these short ones - they provide rapid, if not instant, gratification for the desire to finish something. This story took a month…though the first 9800 words were written in 4 days. Sometimes they flow like that.

Anyway, the book is out in the world now on all the usual platforms - the QRI page will be updated to add Smashwords once that link is live. And it’s discounted this weekend!

If you’ve been looking for single dads or older MCs or both, maybe REINVENTED is for you! Happy reading.


Thoughts on the Lammys