a good week in writerland

I mentioned that I entered a contest and made the finals, right? Well (drumroll please) I got some, ah, pretty good results.

My M/M contemporary holiday vacation whirlwind romance novel MISTLETANGO won the short contemporary romance category! I am VERY EXCITED. Click the highlighted title to reach the book page at Queeromance Ink, where you will find an excerpt, reviews, and buy links.

But wait … there’s more!

My M/M contemporary later-in-life enough-with-the-pining story OUR REVELS NOW placed 2nd in the romance novella category! I am STILL EXCITED. Click the highlighted title to reach the book page at Queeromance Ink, where you will find an excerpt, reviews, and buy links.

So there you have it. Big news from La La Land. Happy reading!

A Missed Cue: a new short

The Hunting Box: a new novella